
Self Intellectualization Vs. Self Awareness

Are you trying to figure it out or are you actually experiencing it?

Are you all up in your head most of the time, trying to figure out why you can't seem to get out of your own way, when you KNOW, logically, what would be helpful? You may know WHY the patterns keep showing up, but this understanding isnt really shifting things for you.

So what's the difference between self intellectualization and self-awareness?

Self Awareness is an embodied, deep and non-judgmental understanding of yourself at an emotional and experiential level, while self-intellectualization involves analyzing or rationalizing your experiences through using your mind.

While self-awareness contributes to emotional intelligence and personal growth, self-intellectualization may serve as a coping mechanism to manage difficult emotions or situations.

If you find yourself getting stuck in trying to analyze your way to acceptance and want to feel differently, somatic focused work can be incredibly useful. The work I do with my clients is focused on helping them FEEL what's happening in their bodies and process it through expressive arts!

Through a felt sense, we can experience a felt shift, and that is where the empowerment lives!

Book a 1:1 with me and experience a new way of being: www.marisaskolky.com


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